Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Posting my sermons

I had not originally intended to post my sermons on this blog but it seems the best space in which to do so. If you are not interested in religious ramblings or if you are put off by discussions about Jesus and God don't read any further. If you think the Bible was written, word for word, by God and every sentance is factual and true, don't read any further. If you'd like to think about a Jesus that might make some sense in the present day and age you might like what I write because that's always what I'm aiming to find; some sense and meaning in Jesus' teachings that I can apply to my life and offer to those around me. I'm not a very good "trinitarian" and my Christology is about as low as one can have without being Unitarian or Jewish. I borrow phrases and terminology from "traditional" Christianity for the sake of communication but I usually put my own spin on the meanings, whether I tell my audience what my spin is or not. If you've been hurt by church folks or just turned off to the idea of religion by hypocrites you still might find my messages interesting if you're willing to keep an open mind. I'm not trying to convert anyone by posting my sermons here. I'm just putting my thoughts out there like everyone else who blogs. If you continue reading I hope you find something in what I've written that touches and moves you or, at the very least, offers you a different perspective.


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